It is an interactive initiative taken by Dr.Baliram Hiray College of Architecture to create a platform for synergy between students and professionals in the discipline of architecture to share views and ideas. It was started in 2014 to provide an insight to the students to understand the process through which a concept morphs into a successful design. In 2016 the speaker panel scaled new heights with speakers comprising of two internationally acclaimed architects. Ever since then, Meraki has always had a healthy mix of Domestic and International speakers.
Dr. Baliram Hiray College of Architecture successfully concluded the eleventh session of their annual seminar series, Meraki, on 21st September 2024 at Swatantrya Veer Savarkar Rashtriya Smarak Auditorium, Mumbai. The theme for MERAKI 2024 was ‘Design Dialects’, which helped us delve into the captivating realm of architectural dialects, honouring the stories they narrate, the cultures they represent, and the inventive minds behind them.
Meraki 2024 invited a distinguished panel of speakers from across the globe. Ar. Lim Shing Hui from Singapore, Ar. Madhav Raman from New Delhi, Ar. Rahul Kadri from Mumbai and Ar. Mariana Cabugueira from London were the guest speakers.
The seminar was graced and inaugurated by the guest of honour Ar.Vivek Bhole who is a renowned and practicing Architect from Mumbai. The other dignitaries present included Mr. Prasad Hiray (President Hiray Group of Institutes), Mrs. Geetanjali Hiray (Managing Trustee), Mr. Pranav Hiray (Trustee) , Ms. Pranjali Hiray (Trustee), Ar. Sunil Magdum (Principal), Ar. Pranav Bhatt ( Academic Coordinator) and Ar. Paresh Kapadia (Chief Academic Organiser).
Dr. Baliram Hiray College of Architecture successfully concluded the 10th session of their annual seminar series, Meraki, on 9th September 2023 at Swatantrya Veer Savarkar Rashtriya Smarak Auditorium, Mumbai.
The theme for MERAKI 2023 was 'CityScape Mosaic', which brought to us the relationship between architecture and the human body, and the questions that arise when exploring it.
Meraki 2019 offered us a platform to bring together eminent practitioners into a dialogue. The diverse ideologies that all of them brought to the stage resonated with us to conceive an architecture that is responsible and inspiring.
Meraki 2023 invited a distinguished panel of speakers from across the globe.AR. ANDY RAHMAN from Indonesia, • AR. NANDINI SOMAYA SAMPAT from Mumbai, • AR. AZIM A.AZIZ from Kuala Lumpur, • AR. TRUPTI DOSHI from Pondicherry
Dr. Baliram Hiray of College successfully completed the ninth session of the annual seminar series MERAKI on the 17th of September 2022
The theme for 'MERAKI 2022' was Confluence. Tiny streams emerging from various origins converge at a node and take the shape of a colossal river. Likewise, when different ideologies and dreams unite, that same node becomes a meeting point for a network of varied and dynamic ideas. Assembling and integrating these notions is what we call Confluence.
MERAKI 2022 was a harmony of ideals of distinct individuals from diverse cultures in Architecture. It was a source of celebration of the essence of architecture and its intriguing perspectives.
Meraki 2022 invited a distinguished panel of speakers from across the globe :AR. SUNIL PATIL from Pune, • AR. BADRINATH KALERU from Chandigarh, • AR. PETER RICH from South Africa, • AR. AKSHAY HERANJAL from Bangalore
Dr.Baliram Hiray College Of Architecture impeccably concluded the eighth session of the annual seminar series, MERAKI, on the 3rd and 4th September, 2021. In the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic which put the world at a standstill, Meraki was conducted in the form of a Webinar on ZOOM for this time as well.
The theme for Meraki 2021 was Architerra - Meaning Mother Nature comes first.
Sustainability is the underlying concept in architecture that promotes Harmony with Nature. The intention was to revolve the discussions around global sustainable development , which could be achieved through design approaches that are sympathetic and well-integrated with a site.
The distinguished panel of speakers this year comprises ofAR. ERIC COREY FREED from US, • AR. DEAN D’CRUZ from Goa, • AR. TAKAHARU TEZUKA from Japan, • AR. EUGENE PANDALA from Kerala
Dr.Baliram Hiray College Of Architecture impeccably concluded the seventh session of the annual seminar series, MERAKI, on the 11th and 12th of September 2020.
In the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic which put the world at a standstill, Meraki was conducted in the form of a Webinar on ZOOM for the first time.
The theme for 'Meraki 2020' was Metamorphosis, where we metaphorically compare the actual process in nature along with the architects' works from their initial days in this field to the present.
Meraki 2020 successfully inculcated a sense of harmony towards 'designing for the people' in the minds of the attendees through the respective journeys of the renowned Architects; the digital webinar was equally as polarizing as the seminars have been in the past.
Meraki 2020 invited a panel of world-class architects from India and around the world :AR.JOSEPH NOERO from South Africa, • AR.BIJOY RAMACHANDRAN from Bangalore, • AR.RAJIV D'SILVA from Goa, • AR. REZA KABUL from Mumbai.
Dr. Baliram Hiray College of Architecture successfully concluded the sixth session of their annual seminar series, Meraki, on 14th September 2019 at Swatantrya Veer Savarkar Rashtriya Smarak Auditorium, Mumbai.
The theme for MERAKI 2019 was 'Interlacing Perspectives', which brought to us the relationship between architecture and the human body, and the questions that arise when exploring it.
Meraki 2019 offered us a platform to bring together eminent practitioners into a dialogue. The diverse ideologies that all of them brought to the stage resonated with us to conceive an architecture that is responsible and inspiring.
Meraki 2019 invited a distinguished panel of speakers from across the globe.AR. ANDY RAHMAN from Indonesia, • AR. NANDINI SOMAYA SAMPAT from Mumbai, • AR. AZIM A.AZIZ from Kuala Lumpur, • AR. TRUPTI DOSHI from Pondicherry
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